Wednesday, April 17, 2019

4/17/19 Resting awhile in Minnesota

Dave and Karen Krepsis, my hosts in Minnesota, friends of cousin Eric Webster

I made it to Minnesota on Sunday afternoon, April 14. Cousin Eric Webster, in Great Falls, Montana, said that he had these nice friends in Minnesota, who would be glad to host me for a night or two. Now, I find myself staying for several days as they take me to see the sights in the state in which they both were born and raised. I've seen rivers and waterfalls, small town museums, outdoor garden sculptures, downtown Minneapolis, and great food.
We'll be going into St. Paul to see the capital building and the St. Paul Cathedral. Then we'll be driving up to see Duluth and Lake Superior. They are wonderful hosts, and are helping me to plan and prepare for the rest of my journey.
Cousin Gillian Feeley-Harnik is in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She will be home on May 4, so I have time yet to see the sites here in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. 

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